The Code
// Test Data
const events = [
event: "ComicCon",
city: "New York",
state: "New York",
attendance: 240000,
date: "06/01/2017",
event: "ComicCon",
city: "New York",
state: "New York",
attendance: 250000,
date: "06/01/2018",
event: "ComicCon",
city: "New York",
state: "New York",
attendance: 257000,
date: "06/01/2019",
event: "ComicCon",
city: "San Diego",
state: "California",
attendance: 130000,
date: "06/01/2017",
event: "ComicCon",
city: "San Diego",
state: "California",
attendance: 140000,
date: "06/01/2018",
event: "ComicCon",
city: "San Diego",
state: "California",
attendance: 150000,
date: "06/01/2019",
event: "HeroesCon",
city: "Charlotte",
state: "North Carolina",
attendance: 40000,
date: "06/01/2017",
event: "HeroesCon",
city: "Charlotte",
state: "North Carolina",
attendance: 45000,
date: "06/01/2018",
event: "HeroesCon",
city: "Charlotte",
state: "North Carolina",
attendance: 50000,
date: "06/01/2019",
// Entry point of application, runs when the page loads
function buildDropDown() {
// get all the events that we know about
let currentEvents = getEvents();
// get a list of city names, using map and lambda expression
let eventCities = =>;
// Class constructor, take array of event cities which has dups and store only unique values as a set
let uniqueCities = new Set(eventCities);
// spread operator [...], takes the set and spreads it out into another array with 'All' added at index 0
let dropdownChoices = ['All', ...uniqueCities];
// Get template for dropdown before looping over each item
const dropdownTemplate = document.getElementById('dropdown-item-template');
const dropdownMenu = document.getElementById('city-dropdown');
// Clear out what's already in the menu before adding
dropdownMenu.innerHTML = '';
// for each of those city names:
for ( let i=0; i < dropdownChoices.length; i++) {
let cityName = dropdownChoices[i];
// make a dropdown item HTML element
let dropdownItem = dropdownTemplate.content.cloneNode(true);
dropdownItem.querySelector('a').innerText = cityName;
// add that element to the dropdown menu
// reset table header name
document.getElementById('stats-location').textContent = 'All';
// Grabs the latest events
function getEvents() {
// get events from local storage
let eventsJson = localStorage.getItem('rpc-events');
// initialize stored events if someone hasn't been to the page before
let storedEvents = events;
// check for events have been saved before
if (eventsJson == null) {
} else {
storedEvents = JSON.parse(eventsJson);
return storedEvents;
// Save event added in modal to local storage
function saveEvents(events) {
let eventsJson = JSON.stringify(events);
// store in the browser for undetermined amount of time, can be seen and modified by anyone
localStorage.setItem('rpc-events', eventsJson);
function displayEvents(events) {
// get the table to put the events in
const eventTable = document.getElementById('eventsTable');
// clear the table
eventTable.innerHTML = '';
// loop through events
for (let i = 0; i < events.length ; i++) {
let event = events[i];
// make a <tr></tr>
let eventRow = document.createElement('tr');
// make a <td> for each property
// put the data into each <td> & append to row
let eventName = document.createElement('td');
eventName.innerText = event.event;
let eventCity = document.createElement('td');
eventCity.innerText =;
let eventState = document.createElement('td');
eventState.innerText = event.state;
let eventAttendance = document.createElement('td');
eventAttendance.innerText = event.attendance.toLocaleString();
let eventDate = document.createElement('td');
let date = new Date(;
eventDate.innerText = date.toLocaleDateString();
// append the row to the <tbody>
function calculateStats(events) {
let sum = 0;
let min = events[0].attendance;
let max = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
let event = events[i];
sum += event.attendance;
// Checks for the min attendance
if ( event.attendance < min ) {
min = event.attendance;
// Checks for the max attendance
if ( event.attendance > max ) {
max = event.attendance;
let avg = sum / events.length;
// Shorter way to type objects if the properties are the same as the variable values
let stats = {
return stats;
function displayStats(events) {
let stats = calculateStats(events);
// calculating and displaying the total attendance
document.getElementById('total-attendance').innerText = stats.sum.toLocaleString();
// calculating and displaying the avg attendance
document.getElementById('avg-attendance').innerText = stats.avg.toLocaleString();
// calculating and displaying and displaying the max attendance
document.getElementById('max-attended').innerText = stats.max.toLocaleString();
// // calculating and displaying and displaying the min attendance
document.getElementById('min-attended').innerText = stats.min.toLocaleString();
function filterByCity(element) {
// get all the events
let cityName = element.textContent;
// revise table header name
document.getElementById('stats-location').textContent = cityName;
// get all the events
let allEvents = getEvents();
// filter those events to just one city
let filteredEvents = [];
for (let i = 0; i < allEvents.length; i++) {
let event = allEvents[i];
if ( cityName == || cityName == 'All' ) {
// OTHER OPTION TYPE 1: Anonymous function with the filter method can be used to filter the array
// filteredEvents = allEvents.filter(function(event) {
// if ( == cityName || cityName == 'All') {
// return event;
// }
// })
// OTHER OPTION TYPE 2: Lambda expression with the filter method can be used to filter the array below is the same as the for loop
// if (cityName == 'All') {
// filteredEvents = allEvents;
// } else {
// filteredEvents = allEvents.filter(event => == cityName)
// }
// OTHER OPTION TYPE 3: Ternary statement
// let filteredEvents = cityName = 'All' ? allEvents : allEvents.filter(e => == cityName);
// call displayStats with the events for that city
// call displayEvents with the events for that city
function saveNewEvent() {
// Get HTML form element
let newEventForm = document.getElementById('newEventForm');
let formData = new FormData(newEventForm);
// Creates an object from the <input>s
// value of the property is the value of the input and the property is the name
// <input name="city" value="kernersville" />
// let newEvent = { city: 'Kernersville}
let newEvent = Object.fromEntries(formData.entries());
// change text to number for attendance
newEvent.attendance = parseInt(newEvent.attendance);
// make sure all dates recieved are consistent in the way they're recieved = new Date(;
// Grab the list of events
let allEvents = getEvents();
// Add new event to list
// Save updated list of events
// Resets the form so it goes back to how it was when page loaded
// hide the Bootstrap Modal
let modalElement = document.getElementById('addEventModal');
let bsModal = bootstrap.Modal.getInstance(modalElement);
// display all events
Use localStorage.setItem()
& localStorage.getItem()
to store information
in the browser.
This information is only accessible on the same browser it was saved in.
Code Explanation
Bash Buddy was created with the following functions:
What I learned
- Use
to easily create an array of a spcific property from an array of objects - Use
to provide an array that only contains unique values localStorage.setItem()
allows for storing and then getting information in the browser as a JSON for an undetermined amount of time. This stoarge can be viewed and modified by anyone who has access to the same browserthe information was stored in.
- Ability to delete one / all events
- Ability to filter by Event Name / Type, Date
- Set up initial data with an API